Asger Jorn
So there I was talking to a neighbour and the Situationists came up in the conversation, and he says to me I think I've got some of their stuff up in the attic that I got when I was doing house clearance (he being somebody who over the years has dipped in an out of the world of art/labour.) Not going to tell you where he lives because he'll be getting a load of radical theory pimps breaking into his house and flogging his worldly goods for ludicrous prices online. Next day he comes round and lends me this, Pour la Forme by Asger Jorn, published by the Situationist International in 1958. A signed copy no less: Complete with Guy Debord and Jorn's famous detourned map of Paris, The Naked City: Asger Jorn (1914-1973) was a Danish radical artist and founder member of the Situationist International. Some of the texts from Pour La Forme have recently been translated into English by Ken Knabb: Automation and the Leisure Society J...