Dancing London (1902): 'riotous hilarity' and 'rhythmic revolution'
'Living London: its work and its play, its humour and its pathos, its sights and its scenes,' edited by George Robert Sims , is a remarkable attempt to give an overview of London life at the turn of the 20th century (it was first published in 1901). All the volumes can be browsed on archive.org , and provide a great resource for historians of this period. There are a number of chapters dealing with London nightlife. One on 'Midnight London' ( in this volume ) by Beckles Wilson concludes: 'Such, then, is Midnight London. In all the world's capitals is dissipation found under the name of pleasure; Britain's Metropolis is no exception. The gaudy and glittering throngs swarm over the pavements; and to the midnight sightseer there is a novelty in the spectacle of brilliant toilettes and ravishing complexions now visible at the tables of the brilliantly-lighted salons, which are crowded to the doors by Pleasure's laughing votaries. To such as these mid-day Lon...